Why is our goal $13,000?

This amount represents
a $1 donation
for each of the estimated 
13,000 people in the U.S.
who die from lung cancer
each month.

New research breakthroughs in the last 10 years have brought new hope to patients and their families. But we still have far to go. Diagram illustrating the disparity of funding dollars compared to breast, prosate and colorectal cancers combined.

Lung cancer research funding needs to increase significantly to discover better detection, diagnosis, and treatment of this disease. 

Start with $13 a month.
Ask 13 friends.
Ask your employer if they match your donation.
Help us reach our
$13K goal by November 30th.


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It's through the generosity of donors like you that LCFA is able to fund grants for cutting-edge research that will lead to new treatments and protocols with the goal of greater survival rates for lung cancer patients everywhere.